Prehab in Preventing Sports Injuries

Prehab in Preventing Sports Injuries

“Coaches and athletes alike need to be more aware of the importance of prehab in preventing sports injuries. We provide individual sessions with specialists to help you develop a base level of strength, movement and conditioning in preparation for the intensity to come. You will understand how to train to prevent injuries incorporating some key prehab exercises into your training regime. These exercises are aimed at preventing injuries from occurring in athletic and physical activity and derailing your training progress and playing time. There are sound evidence-based exercises to support prehab to prevent sports injuries, which include: ● Improving eccentric hamstring strength to stave off hamstring injuries ● Enhancing lower limb proprioception to prevent ankle injuries ● Using plyometric exercises to reduce the risk of lower limb injuries ● Increasing scapula stability and shoulder flexibility to reduce the risk of upper limb injuries ● Developing core and glute strength and endurance to reduce the risk of back injuries 60 min $75 (Student Rate) $60”

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